Some are blessed with such things that others can only dream about.
A happiness knowing no bounds, a smile so genuine they do not feel the need to hide behind it. A positive vibe flowing through their veins.
As for others, there is a world of light in each happy thought, though it may be fleeting, rarely lingering in our minds, it is there. A sweet surprise in our realm of darkness.
"One happy thought is all it takes"
Words I often laugh at, all it takes? One happy thought? As though such a thing is obtainable at any moment.
To reach my own happy thought, I would have to dig through the cruelty of my own mind.
A happy thought so elusive and teasing, hovering just out of my grasp before slipping through my fingers like sand.
A happy thought chased away by the reality I know is inside of me.
I long, no, I live for those fleeting moments, those seconds of spark, instances of genuine warmth and though they come so sparingly, they are all I can hope for.