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Saying Goodbye

Writer: Discarded DwarfDiscarded Dwarf

Updated: Jun 8, 2024

It's days like today, that make me think back to when we all met.

A rowdy bunch who had found each other in one of the city taverns. forced together by a foolish request to hunt some far-off beast.

Yeah, we managed the task easily enough, but none of us expected to find more than, say, a pocket of gold and a hot meal for our efforts.

We were delightfully wrong and found something more fulfilling, a connection within each other that drowned away our sorrows.

You were the first real friends I had found in a long time and though things had their rough moments, I'd never change our time together.

We've travelled for years now, getting into some strange situations and many, maybe even too many fights. Some we could have avoided, others we should have.

The pain we suffered as a whole allowed us to grow together, as did, the conflicts we had with each other.

It's crazy to think a randomly collected group of people would get along all the time, but regardless of how we argued, we always had each other's back.

Which, makes today so much worse.

We tried so hard to prepare ourselves for this, but nothing, no amount of time, discussions or understanding can ever truly have you ready to say goodbye to one of your own.

I watch with tears in my eyes as everybody gathers around the fallen, their anguish and torment held back behind stifled cries and clenched teeth, their features bathed in the bright light of the sun.

It was hard to focus on the natural beauty of the ocean beside us all, the golden sands that pushed between our toes, clinging to the wet hems of everybody's clothing as the last piece of wood was added to the pyre.

That final moment was as hard to swallow as the events of our recent battle which led to this heart-wrenching reality.

And as I look around, staring into each of your faces, I'm flooded with joy and love, but sorrow for the pain we all feel.

Forcing myself to think of a time when each of you, had experienced a sense of pure joy and bliss.

I look toward the largest of our group, her eyes closed at the moment as she tries so hard to keep calm, the deep slow breaths catching in her throat as I smile weakly.

Crash, our rage-filled warrior with a heart of gold, I always looked up to you, your strength knew no bounds and your laughter was always the loudest, you were our protector and though I spent many nights healing your wounds, I always loved the conversations that accompanied them.

I recall now, the day you came to me for help, you spoke of an ache deep inside that I knew then, that no magic could heal.

A heavy heart, you were always the gentle giant in my eyes after this, hidden from the world behind an image they decided for you.

You were tormented by the pain you caused and though it was necessary at times, it was never easy.

Thank you, for protecting us all, I'm sorry we left that burden on your shoulders for so long.

There's a lump in my throat as I turn towards another, a blonde-haired male who stands with fortitude and a knightly manner that often gets on my nerves.

It's funny to think how much I'd hate myself if something happened to you though, as much as we argued morals on the little things, and yet caused carnage on the things that should have mattered, you were always the one to try and keep the group on a straight path.

You kept us humble and made sure we knew to help those who couldn't help themselves.

I appreciate you for arguing with me when my mind was led astray, your want to be good, kept me strong and helped fortify my own beliefs too.

The party is so much better with you here, holding us from temptation.

And finally, my eyes fall upon the last of our group.

My soul has torn apart at the sight of you on the ground, your cries echoing through the empty void that now surrounds us.

The world is cast in darkness as I focus on you, only you, our usually musical, whimsical member who brought joy and laughter to the world.

Your songs and poems kept our spirits high in the darkest of days and as I lower myself beside you, feeling the sand upon my knees, I find myself wanting to hold you, to hug you close and tell you everything will be okay.

If I had only been brave enough, to tell you my true feelings, the love I feel for you, I want to walk beside you for the rest of our days.

You were the reason I joined this strange group, you were the one who gave me strength and courage when I felt weak.

You made my heart sing.

My mouth opens, but the words don't seem to escape.

I reach for you but instead, find myself reliving those last few seconds we had together.

I watch as you fall to the ground, a coat of crimson spread across your chest, and up your neck before tainting that beautiful smile I had grown to love.

In your final moments, I knew I could not go on without you and though another stood, ready to deliver the final blow.

I forced myself into the path of the sword, embracing the blade as it ran through my chest.

I feel the last sensation of warmth as it spreads from my fingertips, brushing against your cheek as I heal your wounds, my power fading and once again, my heart falls into the darkness.

I return once more, to the beach as the memories begin to fade.

The pyre now burning as I feel my hold on this world, drifting away.

1 comentário

Membro desconhecido
30 de ago. de 2022

Another breathtaking piece of mastery which keeps me griped from the beginning to the end holding onto each word - so when are you going to write a novel because I want one?! You would be amazing at all full novel 😍 perhaps a three partner hehehe! 😄

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