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Notebook and Pen


Trying my hand at writing once again

Home: Welcome

What's going on Dork?

Hey, thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the internet.

I'm known as D_D, D or Dork, formerly Dwarf.
I have always loved to write, never been confident enough to showcase it however until now.

So, I do hope you enjoy what you see. 

Finishing a story isn't always guaranteed as I like to imagine how others might read through and decide an ending of their own. 

Also, I am trying to get used to writing again, any tips, friendly criticism is welcome and encouraged :) 

I should warn you though, I write from pain so some of it could seem quite dark at times. I hope that doesn't put you off reading my scribbles though.

Dwarf newest mask.png
Home: About

My style

There is no denying a lot of my writing can seem rather dark and even depressing.
I write from pain, it is my way of processing how I feel a lot of the time and though I try not to be graphic, some of this could be a trigger to others so please be cautious and I apologise in advance.

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You can find me on Twitter @Discardeddork
On twitch @ 
or when I do a duo stream with my best friend, Emily @ 

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