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Campaign Notes, session one - part Two

Writer: Discarded DwarfDiscarded Dwarf

Updated: Dec 25, 2021

It was such a relief to breath in the salty, sea stained air in comparison to the lavender soaked fog that had filled the strange purple infused shop, Snoss took a second to fill his lungs, relieve his senses and return to the world he was much more fond of.

The streets were vile, grime coated the floors, the people too it seemed and yet, this was more to me a home than some fancy decorated trinket selling piece of shit shop.

As the others emerged, Odana, the gnome, was scolding both Acacia and I, complaining about how we foolishly parted from our gold, that we could be buying books? True, an unbendable sewing needle was a waste of money in my eyes and watching Acacia inspect their new purchase had me wanting to take their gold for future meals, but books were just as terrible.

They served one purpose for me, and I was sure Odana wouldn't be happy to see how I would use their pages so, I'll keep that to myself for now.

My gold was my gold though, and damn anyone else tell me how to use it. Well, unless they had good ideas perhaps, but damn them for trying!

We continued, staying together as we shuffled down the street, trying to come up with some idea, some plan on what we would do when we got to this place, all we knew was our next location was some dirty bar, the posh git we were hired to find was last seen there playing cards with another.

Once outside, I looked around the group, could see how Bunny was hesitant to go in and felt a little curious as to why. About to offer myself as a means to sneak in and see if I could find anything out, the others had already decided upon this it seemed.

Crazy, I know... A Kobold as white and bright as myself, who'd have thought I'd be the sneaky one in the party? The one who could blend into shadows the most. Logic in this world often seemed weird.

So, off I went, slipping into the bar, so far so good, nobody had noticed me yet as I walked around the outskirts, my back pressed against the walls almost as I moved as silently as I could, about to begin gathering information on who to talk to, who to ask or even bribe for information, when to some surprise. The doors opened again.

In walked Acacia and, oddly, Odana clung to, and hid their face in the half-elf's back.

Now, this was a sight, a Gnome wizard, clinging to the Half-elf archer, was this suppose to be sneaky? Did they think this a good idea? Why have me come in first I wondered, was I too slow?

Either way though, I found it hilarious and decided to watch them, see what would come from their attempts.

Quite pleasantly surprised, I watched as they questioned the barkeep, got some answers and, even pushed for me.

Acacia, quick with their gold again as they bribed more answers from the keep, I couldn't tell you how proud I was in that moment as they saved me one hell of a job.

Why was I still hiding? Well, as proud as I was, and however well they were doing. This was a dodgy place for sure and if something was to go wrong, it never hurt to have a little back up.

Once they were satisfied with their answers, ready to leave, I glanced out to see Bunny was impatiently waiting, her foot tapping, the cane in her hand tapping, at times, I wondered if it would count as a hop or a jump if both the foot and cane tapped against the pavement at the same time? I snickered, instantly feeling bad for this silly joke that could be seen as aimed against her and her lost leg situation.

It was this guilt that made me buy a tankard of ale on my own way out, revealing myself to the tavern regulars and though I knew nothing about this currency they used, I placed a gold coin down for the tankard.

Watched a greedy hand snatch up the coin and releasing the tankard for me to take. I stood, eyes locked on the gruff barmen and waited.

"Well?" he asked, and I smirked.

"No change?"

As expected, he didn't think I'd notice, or know how much change was to be given as he placed 5 silver coins down.

I questioned it, and he apologized, admitted one gold was worth 10 silver and placed four more down. One silver per tankard of ale, not bad.

But, I wasn't finished. I tried my luck, smirked, and explained how I had given two gold pieces, how he fell for this I don't know but there he was giving me an extra 10 silver coins! I felt rich, I wanted to dance and chuckle but I kept myself together, left the bar and grinned.

Bunny drank half of the ale, offering the rest back which, I happily drank too and offered that toothy grin I tried not to show to others.

Did I make a friend? Handing the now empty tankard back, I hoped I did.

From what the others had gathered, Flu, the person we were looking for, or, Flune as they corrected my earlier thought. Was seen with another, they won some hands in a card game and were followed on their way out. We were advised to find "Candle Lane" and search for a factory, the door would have a black, winged snake painted upon it.

The adventure was beginning to show promise. Finally.

And now, as the sun was setting, we felt this was perfect timing to find the warehouse, to be a rag tag crew of investigators in a city of hidden darkness. We were being brave, and I fucking hated it.

I wanted to go back to the alley I'd sleep in, to forget today had ever happened, to push away the memory of these people but, I could finally have friends, they seemed to accept me and maybe it was this that pushed me to act brave, pretend to be strong and remain with the group.

It didn't take long, walking down the dark streets, we found a single working street lamp and naturally, across from it the black winged snake marked door.

Life always had a way of showing you where to go if you just looked, this though, told me life was trying to tell us not to go this way. We didn't listen.

The others seemed to be cunning enough not to use the front door, to follow the side of the building to a tall wall and locked gate.

Three members of this party were no taller than three and a half feet, the fourth who was tall and big, was still unable to reach the top of the gate.

So, Bunny provided me some support, allowed me to stand on their shoulders and attempt to pick the lock.

Whether it was my subconscious that told me not to go through this gate, or perhaps I just failed in the moment but I couldn't unlock it, couldn't open it and before I could even pull out my lock pick, I felt Bunny's form get pulled out from below, Acacia was taking a step back and before anybody could argue, I watched my new furry friend get thrown through the air in a deep arch!

It wasn't quite enough though and as I expected Bunny to come tumbling down onto me, I prepared to catch them but, she had used her cane to maneuver up the last few feet. It was obvious though this was a challenge for Bunny, and I wonder if she was expecting to be thrown so suddenly?

I continued my efforts on unlocking the gate as the others made other plans, Using some of the rope Odana had, they had secured a way for us all the climb over.

It was easy enough and I complied with their idea instead, making sure to keep quiet.

My excitement got the better off me though and as we landed, it was dark. Thankfully, I have the ability to see in the dark but did the others?

I asked, hoping everybody was okay, making sure they all got over safely and, it seems I may have been a little too loud in my questions. Oops.

I managed to unlock the back door at least, and as soon as I did, I slipped to the back of the group as they opened it.

The three heads peered through the slightly open door, I watched them do so, still hidden in the garden section. I witnessed the three freeze up and peering past them, I managed to glimpse in the warehouse, a collection of beings to greet us. Each, a dark feathered creature, wearing robes that barely concealed their large beaks.

Several, holding long sharp swords as they looked at the three heads in the doorway.

My blood felt like icy slosh as my body shook with fear, I made sure to hide from sight as the others stepped into the doorway.


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