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Campaign Notes, session one - part one

Writer: Discarded DwarfDiscarded Dwarf

Updated: Dec 25, 2021

Another day hiding in the shadows, keeping to the least likely places others would venture, in the city of Waterdeep. The kind off places only the homeless, less fortunate or desperate would seek out, hoping to find fallen scraps or forgotten coins from those that looked down upon us.

I chose to be here, to be with the city vermin because this has always been where I belonged. Hidden from the light of the world, from the judging eyes of others, a low life creature living off others.

Though, there was one person who treated me like I belonged.

They weren't the kindest, or friendliest of people but they didn't look down upon me, treat me like the garbage others see me as, they, much as I do, stood out from the normal crowds you'd find in the city.

You see, I am a Kobold, and my one friend, Yagra, is a half-orc. So we both know what it is to stand out, to feel unwelcome and as though we do not belong in such a large civilization.

Yes, they did not feel the need to hide as I do, to fear every footstep that approaches or to cower in the gutters when humans, elves, dwarfs or even the gnomish would walk by or glance in my direction.

They didn't feel the fear I was burdened with. Lucky bastards the lot of them, being born as something much more accepting! What I'd give to be even just a little more common in these parts...

The afternoons weren't so bad, it got cold at night but I could always find some comfort in the local tavern. If I was lucky, I'd find a meal or something to drink, it wasn't always the best food but I couldn't afford to turn down a free meal.

It just so happened that today was going to play more in my favor too!

Sitting inside the tavern, I was so thrilled to hear a brawl had begun, the cheers and jeers of the usually quiet crowd inside were more than enough a distraction for me to sneak from table to table, eat a little here, a little there and I had my fill, drink from several tankards and none would be the wiser.

Hell, I even managed to steal some meat from one person, straight from their fork as it hovered in front of their mouths, they were so easily distracted by the fight and I... I took a silly chance but it was so much tastier for it!

I could hear the fight, the voices of others trying to stop it, one, in particular, had caught my attention though.

A somewhat gruff and hoarse voice as they shouted about the foolishness of humans, how the fight was ruining their quiet drink! As if it was them being attacked, but, it was funny, and nice to see another was sharing their distaste to the common folk around here.

It was even more surprising to lay eyes on such a strange being, they weren't human or gnomish, nothing close to an elf or dwarf and certainly, well, as far as I could tell that is, there was nothing half-orc about this person either.

Though that is a risky statement, I've seen most orcs and they will bed with anything!

It was at this point, that we all heard the heavy thud of one body hitting the ground, a large being from the sounds of it too, followed by the deafening cheers of the patrons surrounding the fight.

I knew it was now, I had to stop feeding on their unattended plates, stop drinking from their forgotten tankards.

And as I pulled back into the shadows, watching as the cheering came to an abrupt end, the crowd dispersing as the barman barked his orders, forced others out of the doors and into the cold crisp air of the early afternoon.

I finally saw the cause of this commotion, the three who were being ushered out with some force, and the one on the ground, unconscious, her dark teal toned skin stood out from the rest, tainted by the blood from their brawl, was it her blood alone?

I tried to make my way over, to see to my only friend in this hellish city, Yagra, who gives off an image of unimaginable strength, determination and, well, someone like myself could only ever hope to be so powerful, that it was an overwhelming, foreign sight, seeing them in such a weak state felt so wrong, it left a horrible taste upon my tongue.

The thought didn't stay long though, as the crowd began to move and spread out once more, their laughter died, the heavy banging of something unseen could be heard echoing from the centre of the tavern.

A gateway that lead deep into the earth beneath had always been here, entered by many adventurers, used as a means to fight for fame, power, a way to earn and fend for yourselves. I haven't dared enter, and hopefully, I'll never need to.

I've grown weary of this strange well, this portal that leads to life-threatening instances since the first day I came to this tavern and learnt of its existence.

Some people liked to tempt the fates far too much, took the risk they didn't need to take and I was adamant I would not be one of those people!

However, as those large, echoing bangs continued into the tavern, erupting into the silence that took the spacious room, my blood froze, my body tensed as I held Yagra's still unresponsive head upon my knees, my attempts to wake them disrupted by the sheer panic that crept through the room.

Many screamed, rushed for the doors as an ominous hand had taken to the top of the well, the creature's giant form following out from the deep depths and with it, came the heart-shattering darkness that we all wished would never be brought into this world.

The majority had fled but there were just a few of us who remained, I couldn't leave Yagra like this, no matter how much my brain screamed at me to run, my body wouldn't. I stood, lowering their head to the ground carefully and took two daggers in hand.

The strange being from earlier, their fur-covered form had rushed forward, attacking the threatening troll instantly, it was now I realized this was some kind of rabbit being, a race I had never seen before!

I watched as they struck the troll with their cane, watched as some strange bat-like creatures flew from the troll's back, as more came into view, latched to the beast, feeding on it perhaps?

One flew down to a gnome, swooping in with a wild rage as it attacked the gnome, I watched as it weakened them briefly before another had begun its descent towards me!

I was lucky enough to dodge and as I did so, my dagger swung at the strange creature desperately.

I missed.

But, in the moment of my swing, I managed to let loose my second dagger, watching it fly through the air towards the gnome, perhaps it was luck? Or maybe having trained me, my aim was enough as the tip of the dagger plunged into the small creature, zipped past the gnome and pinned its now lifeless form against the tavern wall!

I wanted so much to let out a laugh, a cheer, an errant Huzzah of triumph but the excitement was overshadowed by the fear that there was still a crazed flying creature locked on to me.

I turned my back to the others at this moment, not to flee or hide from their fight with the beast but to protect, Yagra was still unconscious and in reach of this strange creature, I couldn't risk leaving it to attack her.

I heard the commotion from behind, what sounded like a strong gust of wind, a heat hitting my back briefly as the room ahead was momentarily emblazoned with light, the high pitched shrieks of many echoed from behind me and as I turned, my target having been dealt with from the whipping of flames that spread through the air, I watched as the bright sparks of reds and orange died down, returned to the nothingness they had emerged from, the Gnome's hands lowering slowly.

A wizard? A witch even? or perhaps, one of the many other magic users that had made themselves known to this world.

I was thankful to not witness the flames too much, the sight of fire always brought me back to a painful day that I was not prepared to relive right now.

It didn't take long for the fight to the finish, with the barman's help, the troll was disposed of in no time, the flying... things... were disposed of, with one exception.

The weird looks they gave me didn't matter, as I pulled my dagger from the wall, inspected the strange thing, it looked disgusting, it looked wrong and weird, but it was a meal. I returned to the others whilst chewing upon its remains and ignored their judgement.

It did taste as bad as it looked, I fought it down my throat and it tried so hard to come back up but the food was food and when you're homeless, if you're brave enough, anything can become food.

My elongated jaw continued to mash up the disturbing meal and I chased it down with some ale from one of the many tankards that had been left behind in all the commotion.

The next few minutes were somewhat a blur to me though, I helped Yagra finally wake up, the gnome and grumpy bunny, and another, an elf? half-elf maybe? had joined the two as another, someone in what I liked to call "fancy as fuck" clothing stood, addressing them and myself it seemed, as though we had been a group?

They spoke of hiring us, having us search for their missing friend, they called themselves Rolo, or maybe Bolo, and wished we would find their friend Flu, or... Blue? Some posh prick who had gotten themselves into trouble no doubt.

I was about to walk away until we were promised payment.. ten dragons upfront?

Panic fluttered through my mind. We were getting paid in dragons?! Dragons! Like, the big beastly flying things that could easily eat me in one bite? Why the hell would I accept such an offer? No, I was about to walk away, to laugh and hide my fear before a small pouch of coins was given to me.

My ten dragons he said. More would come.

Now, I may be a kobold, I may not be from around these parts, but I know the difference between gold and a fucking dragon. Or so, I thought I did?

Nobody else seemed so confused or saw how strange and complex this whole affair was, and I had already made a fool of myself, so I hushed, I accepted, I didn't want to be seen as a foreigner too much, to cause suspicious or have others force me out or worse, kill me.

I felt there was no choice but to join these strangers, these misfits if they were to party up.

If I didn't, I might end up causing questions, putting myself into a dangerous situation was not my intention and so, I agreed, I took my so-called dragons, though, the thought of flying on a dragon scared me to my very bones, I acted, I pretended I was distraught by this false promise and the appearance of coins.

Demanding I have dragons one day, wanting to hide my cowardice from the others, to not seem so weak and pathetic as I always had been, in hopes it would keep them from prying too much into my story, my life.

Time was of the importance, there was no reason to sit around and wait, we had received our first portion of payment, the first 10 golds each and I was eager for this quest to be over, to receive my pay and have a meal worthy of my efforts to fight through the fear.

We hadn't even exchanged names yet, considered doing so as the tallest of us made the suggestion but nobody followed through, so I made names up in my head for now. I'm sure I'll learn them in time?

A thick hood pulled over my head, trying hard to hide my features from those we might cross, the four of us stepped out into the sun.

We had a task and a lead, following the instructions of Bolo we headed towards the dock wards of the city, the dock ward I had grown slightly accustomed to visiting only when I had to.

The ward was known to be dangerous, the unkept, disregarded section where most of the inhabitants were considered violent and I often wondered just how many criminals would be hiding through these dirty and dark streets, even on the way there we stumbled around a crime scene of such.

A collection of beaten, bloodied bodies lay across the street, some sporting strange markings and tattoos upon their shaved heads.

It was hard to make out any of the real features as the section of the street was guarded, cornered off from the public and with my small height, I had no chance of looking over the barriers, only catching the odd glimpse through the gaps.

We continued, pushing past and taking note of what each other had managed to see or make out in the scene.

There was very little talking to be had, four strangers banded together at the drop of a pin, but there wasn't any dislike between us as far as I could tell. We each had our ways, differences but, I didn't feel judged or like I had to hide from them and that, that was a first.

Perhaps, it was because we had to try and help each other right now? To get through this task together? Strange.

I was beginning to wish I had paid more attention when Bolo was speaking, as we came towards a door, a thick nasty scent drifting from its interior.

Why they chose this shop, I don't know but perhaps, something had drawn them here in Bolo's words?

I looked to the others who seemed intent on entering, was about to state my distaste to the shop, how I'd wait outside when Bunny had made my decision for me.

She had taken a hold of my arm and begun to drag me into the shop!

It was strange, I could have pushed her off with ease, I think, but I didn't. I'd seen earlier how Bunny had lost afoot at some point, was using a cane to help them walk, and I could utilize this, break free from their hold but I allowed her to drag me into the foul-smelling shop.

The smell wasn't my only distaste, the shop itself was coated from top to bottom in purple paints, varying shades but nothing other than purples! Trinkets and knickknacks adorned the shelves, strange things and an even stranger, a creepier figure stood in the window, a creepy doll, a ball with one large eye and many more branching from its eerie figure. Even I wouldn't attempt to eat this if I ever came across it in my travels.

The others seemed quite satisfied with the nasty smells, saying it smelt like Lavender, fools. It was vile.

I watched as they spoke to the shopkeeper, tried to bargain with him for information by buying some useless trinket from his shelves.

An unbending sewing needle? What use was this? Dirty, silly things that people would waste their money on when they could be finding and buying food for themselves?

Survival was all that mattered, possessions meant nothing to me.

I grew tired of the questions, wanting an answer so we could escape this lingering assault on my senses.

Foolishly, I tried to be somebody I am not, silly little Snoss trying to instill fear into others, forgetting my place a little as this wasn't my old clan, this wasn't a place I had the power I had once known.

I pulled out one of my daggers. waved it about slowly as I spoke to the shopkeeper, he wasn't impressed and I knew instantly, I had made a mistake.

My voice died, I left the others to do the talking as I idly began to carve my name into the shop's front desk.

"Snoss was ere" the words were crudely written, or at least, I think that was what I had been writing everywhere. Little chips of purple covered splinters left in their wake and as my mind came back to the moment, I felt a surge of panic rose in my chest.

I was making mistake after mistake, bringing so much attention to myself!

A gold coin was pulled from my pouch and placed onto the desk, an apologetic look in my eyes as I sought the shopkeeper's forgiveness. It seemed a gold coin was more than enough to satisfy him into forgetting the damage I just caused.

Damn, maybe I should get some change for these coins? A silver piece might have been enough.

The others seemed happy with their answers, permitting us to finally escape the shop and continue along the streets to yet, another location.


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