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D&D Items of mischief

Writer: Discarded DwarfDiscarded Dwarf

Updated: Feb 13, 2022

The Watch of Haste.

Though time magic is extremely rare, this watch has a way to make the user look as if they had somehow harnessed it for themselves. The appearance of the watch changes to the user's ideals upon attunement.

It cannot stop time, but for the user, it can slow time. That, is the image it provides others.

In actual fact, the watch has a stored spell of Haste generated within. The spell recharges every hour after use however, the charges do not stack.

Upon use, the user will gain the spell effects of Haste, however the effects will be doubled. For two minutes, the user's speed is doubled, they gain +4 to their AC and advantage on dexterity saving throws. They gain another two Attack actions every turn. When the spell ends, the user cannot move or take actions for two turns.

It is suggested, if you do not win your fight with the spell in effect, hide before it ends.

Marveling Monocle

With the Marveling Monocle equipped, the user is able to "read" the auras of those they inspect. An ethereal glow will be seen surrounding those they look at. Whether this aura is true to the person's character is unknown, the user will often think they can sense how this person may behave, whether they are trustworthy of not. The monocle however, has a mind of it's own, perhaps it acts upon impulse or random generation, it chooses to give different aura's to the user's targets depending on whether it wishes to see more of that target and so, is very unreliable.

A Head in a Box.

A magical box that can be carried around on a leather strap much like a satchel bag. The box itself has holes surrounding it's exterior, small holes that allow oxygen, and sounds to pass freely.

Within the box, a head can be found, who's head? That is the mystery. It speaks in riddles, and promises of a prize, one wish to the person who can return it to it's body.

The more it talks, the louder it gets, the closer you are to finding it's body, however with this, comes the task of explaining to others. Just why, do you have a head in a box? And what strange magic is keeping it alive, or giving it the ability to talk and most importantly, how do we shut it up?

The Bastard Sword

A sword that can only be held by a true born bastard.

For those who do not fit this criteria, upon handling the weapon they will take 2d6 piercing damage as the handle extends spikes into their palms.

When wielded by a "Bastard" the sword will glow red as though heated upon a furnace, every strike will deal 2d8 slashing damage, plus 2d4 burn damage.

The Bonk-A-Donk

A rather comical looking hammer with what seems to be made from a durable plastic and a soft looking rubber head. It seems almost weightless and something that you'd find in a carnival or stage show, it makes a whistling sound when swung as air passes through the tiny holes that adorn the rubber head and upon impact, a hysterical squeak will ring out. The head will give off the image that it is deflating but it's effects will not be laughed at. This weapon can be used as a one handed, or two handed weapon.

It deals 2d8+ (Str mod) damage when used one handed, or 2d10+ (Str mod) when used with two hands.

Targets also need to make a wisdom saving throw of 14 as the comical exterior and brutal effects of the Bonk-A-Donk will cause confusion on a failed roll.

The Dagger of Inconvenience.

A dastardly Dagger of Inconvenience, what or how it inconveniences is a mystery but be sure. When an attack with this dagger is made, someone will pay the price.

The moment it's steel tastes blood, the hilt of the dagger will emit a menacing glow of light and a random, magical event will take place.

After dealing 1d4+(dex con), the user must roll a d100 and choose from the wild magic list of events.

The Plantain-Plosion

These strange, natural plants grow high in the trees but are so small, it would take an expert eye to find.

Their miniature image should not be considered a downside to their natural strength however, for when they grow too ripe in the tree, just one plantain falling to the ground can set of a chain of events.

Each piece of fruit has the explosive power of four or five sticks of dynamite, when one falls, it often causes such large craters that many of the trees will be destroyed, or that many more Plantain-Plosions will drop and create a more devastating area of effect. Collecting these plants is a dangerous job for sure and many who find themselves living near by try hard to place nets between the trees to help the surroundings from any loosely dropped fruits.

However if harnessed correctly, these destructive fruits can cause serious damage to those caught in their blast.

When used as a weapon, they will cause an area of effect attack in a circle of 30feet. Targets must perform a dexterity saving throw of 16, a fail results in 10d6 force damage, on a save, the target will only take half of this damage.

In the area of effect, after the explosion, a greenish fog will lift from the source, targets caught in this fog with have disadvantage on sight based skills, and attacks made on their next turn.

The Sword of Shaming.

An obsidian handle with an ethereal blade, though this sword does no physical damage, on a successful hit the target in question will blurt out a random, shamefully embarrassing fact about themselves.

If they do not have one, the wielder can make one up.

The target can make a wisdom saving throw, on a success of 18, there will be no effect, on a fail, the target will be too embarrassed or ashamed to react or act upon their next turn

If the target saves their throw however, the sword will turn anything and everything in the wielder's possessions, invisible until their next turn. With this, the wielder will attract the attention of everyone in sight, often causing them to be the target of a creature's next attack.

Jukebox, the pocket size Bard.

This warforged being, though small holds a wealth of power.

Known for it's skill as a bard, it offers a great collection of musical talent and minuscule attacks.

It can be placed out of sight, or thrown a great distance, where as upon activation, will sing a loud and destructive song to distract other creatures. If approached, it will unleash a flurry of attacks with preloaded darts from a cannon styled arm.

Many have taken to customizing their "Pocket Bards" with poisoned darts or specific songs, some have even been known to have a great sense of personality and freedom of mind.

The Helping Hand Gloves

These leather wrapped gloves look pretty basic upon first inspection, however when equipped, the user can attune to the gloves, choosing when they do, a magic word.

When spoken, this magic word will kick the gloves into activation.

The user can also specify a magic word unique, for each glove as to only use one glove at a time. An ethereal hand will appear from each glove worn, allowing the user to wield a two handed weapon with just one hand, whilst the corresponding ethereal hand will act as the second, dismembered, floating hand for that weapon. Allowing a full range of movement with the weapon and the ease of holding it. This also means the user, could wield two, two handed weapons at once. The magic word will only keep the gloves active for a period of five minutes, before needing to recharge.

This can also be used with bows, using the ethereal hand to arm and shoot the bow in question.

The scythe of...

A strange item that was passed down from generation to generation in a long family history.

It is often subject to rumor that this scythe once belonged to that of Death them self, a failed attempt to the true scythe of death, one that was made with a great flaw, that a life taken with this scythe will be cursed, the target's soul forced to roam the lands until they are either, collected by the true Death, or if left forgotten that the souls will change into something dark and sinister that will haunt all who come close to them.

The scythe deals 3d8 slashing damage, however with the high damage, this scythe must be attuned to the user, and upon attunement, a secret curse will fall upon them, this curse will make it impossible to use other melee weapons until the curse is removed.

When used, the user must make a wisdom saving throw, upon a fail they will fall victim to the effects of fear, haunted by the souls this scythe has taken, they can make a wisdom saving throw at the beginning of every turn or it will last a whole hour from the initial instant of taking a life.

The book of horrors

A small pocket book filled with unimaginable horrors.

Upon opening the book to a random page, a voice will ring out from the book's spine, reading the content of the page.

These pages often hold an embarrassingly comical attempt at a joke, that when heard unexpectedly can cause both confusion and a reaction of laughter so sudden the surrounding creatures cannot help but fail any attempt of action in the next minute.

Targets can however, attempt a wisdom saving throw of 14 to ignore these effects.

The Mimic Glasses

A simple looking set of glasses with rather dull, chipped looking wired frames, however, when the user attunes to these glasses, they will always try and guide the wearer to any mimic items in the room.

However, if a mimic goes unnoticed for too long, the glasses will grow angry at the user and reveal themselves to be a mimic too, biting at the user's face, ears, nose or even eyes, dealing 1d4 on each successful attack.

The Rabbit's Foot

A foot, taken from a Harengon as part of a strange deal or bet, taken as payment perhaps, regardless of why this foot was taken, or where it had been taken from, the foot itself is in constant motion, bouncing upon the spot or attempting to kick those who come too close, trying hard to return itself to it's owner who is presumed alive by the foots activity.

It is believed that the Rabbit's Foot, provides endless luck to those who own it, however, all it really allows is a strange motion within their bag or satchel and maybe, a great conversation starter when explaining why they have this Rabbit's Foot to others.

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