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Two Lands Unite Part 1

Writer: Discarded-DwarfDiscarded-Dwarf

Updated: Apr 4, 2021

It had been a harsh winter and even now in the later months that followed, the cold weather would persist in certain parts of the land. Food became scarce and danger lurked in every single shadow of the world.

With any luck, the warmth of the sun would be soon approaching. The harsh rays would melt any ice still taking precedence over several small ponds and one of the pack's most cherished lakes. Food would be easier to gather and the hopes of many would be returned with it.

Yet, two wolves ventured out of their own homes. leaving the safety of their pack behind as it was already agreed upon. Two wolves who were both equally as threatening as the another, The alpha and his son.

Their padded paws would thud against the hardening ground as they raced across slowly blossoming meadows, they were experiencing first hand the change of seasons as their pace continued as fast as their legs would carry them across the borders of their own territories.

"I don't like this Father. It feels like we're being lead into a trap"

The first chance they took to stop and catch their breath, Thiazi couldn't help but be honest with his feelings. His heart racing from the constant travel that the two had been going through for the last day or so but the pounding grew quicker when he was met by his father's distant and cold eyes.

"Keep your mouth shut boy!" Zayn barked the order with such force that his tone could be heard lifting over the empty fields. "Do you doubt me? Doubt my knowledge or do you just wish to be..." His words cut short as his dark eyes closed as heavy lids fell down. It was so easy to lose his temper as of late and Thiazi seemed to always receive the brunt of it all. "You... I... I mean to say. If I had any doubts, we would not be here boy. Now calm your heart and we shall continue. The sooner we arrive, the better an opportunity we have of scouting the area for a threat. No?" The elder explained.

Zayn forgot so easily just how soon Thiazi would be taking charge, taking over the Alpha position and how well he had done to learn since his previous mistakes in life. Those mistakes that Zayn could never forgive always played a part in his anger to the boy but right now, he should be giving Thiazi some respect. Teaching him the last few dreads of wisdom before he too would be leaving this realm.

"My apologies Father, I spoke out of place" Thiazi admitted in a defeated tone before he stood, stretching out his limbs some before the two began on their journey once more.

It had been planned in advance, The Alpha and their Successor of both the Skare Pack and the CarraighDu Clan would meet today after upholding a peace treaty over the previous few seasons. It was today that this peace would hopefully bear some fruit. Thiazi, untrusting of the others however after being taught his whole life to never trust their ranks was against the meet but he never dared to go against his father's wishes again. Not after his mother's passing that was.

Would the CarraighDu uphold the treaty? Meet with just their Alpha and Successor or was this a trap as Thiazi expected it to be? The two wolves were nearing an old abandoned building, what was once a church perhaps before the "Great Flash Freeze" many decades ago. His whole body was tense and his eyes peeled for any sign of trickery to be revealed as he and his father approached the main double doors that were now barely hanging on to the walls. Not only did they have to worry about one another clans but he was also keeping all his senses prepared for any hunters that might roam nearby.

Approaching the church head-on was never their full intention. Zayn indicated silently to Thiazi and the two would take cover in the baseline of some trees, one would observe the church for a few moments and the other would be watching for any sign of betrayal. They did not come this far to be pushed into an ambush and Thiazi was not going to be the one to let his father be harmed.

The scent of the others lifted from the church and with a small grunt, Thiazi's muzzle pulled back slightly, his sharp canines revealed as he found himself growling simply from the smell. "Damn their pack's sce..." before he could get his words out though, Zayn's head whipped around, his eyes glared at Thiazi momentarily, cutting his cursing short before turning back to the church. "Sorry, Da'" He sighed, his tongue was going to get him into some terrible trouble soon.

The lands were empty it seemed, that at the least was reassuring but Zayn's body tensed a little as he watched the church. "There seems to be four, not two" He whispered to Thiazi, crawling forwards a little in the growing grass.

"Then, should we not leave? They have violated the agreement father" Thiazi pronounced in an urged whisper. His own eyes now laid onto the church doors though he wasn't able to see anything else, he never doubted his father's sight. The thought of two extra beings inside of their meeting spot had him worried, this was described to him by Zayn as a simple meet within their peace treaty. Even if the Alpha hadn't asked him, he would have insisted on coming along. His heart lay heavy though as he knew, his suggestion would be ignored.

"Retreat? You believe me to be weak too I see, can we not hold back two extra wolves between us if it comes to it?" Zayn growled in a low yet stern tone. "We proceed. They must have had a reason for this"

Perhaps the bride was flighty? Zayn felt a pang of guilt enter his mind as he looked to Thiazi, he should have prepared the boy, explained that this was happening. Thiazi was told of the forlorn marriage but this was a little cruel. How could he trust the fool though? Thiazi was like his mother, he'd much rather follow his heart instead of his head and his heart had lured him away from the pack once before in the past, would he not run again now?

"Come. Let us not keep them waiting" He sighed.

"Understood" Thiazi answered, his own tone had lost any character, weak and defeated. He instead was thinking of the situation. He'd protect his father with his own life if need be.

As the two rose from the grass, crossing the clearing to the church in a guarded yet casual walk now, Thiazi kept beside his father. If things were to turn sour, he would need to be able to guard his father's neck, much like a mate would, a son too would position themselves in front of their father, having his head rest upon theirs so they could both attack and the Alpha's throat would be guarded. Yes, it meant risking his own but that was of little price to pay if his father would leave alive, or so, that was what they were taught.

The scent of the others grew stronger with every step and once at the doors, Thiazi walked in first, letting Zayn follow. His eyes quickly scouted the interior, three males and a female. Two were near the back whilst the other two were somewhat threateningly waiting.

His maw opened and he was about to speak but instead, Zayn stepped forth.

"We have come as requested. However, I see more than expected from the CarraighDu Clan. Has there been a betrayal of the treaty?" He asked in a calm tone, his eyes ignored the others in the room and laid straight upon the opposing Alpha across the aisle. Jecht.

Hearing his father's words resonate around the whole church, Thiazi took this time to take in the image of the three others. The two males he paid no attention to but he was curious about the female that stood with the Alpha. Her wild red hair stood out in the dirty gloom of the old church, she had a feminine stance but he was no fool to think she might be weak.

A slow but sudden realization came to Thiazi's mind, was this Jecht's only daughter? His betrothed?

He moved closer to Zayn, his voice low as he spoke. "Father, why are we really here?" He questioned, finding it slightly off-putting now that they were in a church of all places.


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